Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Places I've Been (Nigeria concluded)

From what I remember her telling me, Ijeoma and her family spoke in a Nigerian language called Igbo or Edo, I forgot which one they speak (I can instant message or email her and ask). The number of spoken languages currently estimated and catalogued in Nigeria is 521 (click to learn more). When her family would be in the living room conversating, in their main language, it was fascinating to me to hear them speak the language, even though I did not understand a word they were saying. I think she told me she could speak about two or three different native languages. They all spoke to me in English of course. Ijeoma tried teaching me some of one language. I learned a few words from her while I was there. It also made me wonder what African languages would I be able to speak right now, if my ancestors were not forced to lose their native languages during slavery.

I enjoyed my trip to visit Ijeoma and her family. I want to tell you that you don't have to have a lot of money to pursue a travel experience. I have only been two countries outside of the United States. I made the one trip to Nigeria, and I was able to visit the Dominican Republic three different times in 2007. I met my wife in the Dominican Republic, and I will be blogging about the Dominican Republic soon. I found all my tickets, and most of my hotel reservations on the internet for very cheap prices, and through my wife's familiarity of her country.

Of course there are many websites you can use to search for cheap prices. I was able to book all my flights between Priceline and Skyauction; Two sites that I utilize often when I need to travel. I got my hotel reservations for my first trip to the Dominican Republic through the SkyAuction website also. This is a website that allows you to bid for tickets hotels and everything else for travel, to just about anywhere in the world.

This is the conclusion of my Nigeria travel blog. I blog about everything, travel and otherwise. I will blog about my trips to the Dominican Republic and there beautiful beaches sooner or later.

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